


firefox-gray Mediation is a process for resolving disputes by which an independent, neutral, unbiased mediator assists the parties in reaching a mutually satisfactory settlement. The American Arbitration Association reports that over 85% of all mediations result in a settlement.

Dr. Segota offers a number of mediation services. She is a family court mediator certified by the Florida Supreme Court. With over 10 years experience in the area of mental health and conflict resolution, she offers a unique perspective to overcoming the emotional barriers involved in negotiating and obtaining a final mediation agreement

In addition, she offers mediation and negotiation process assistance in the family arena (reviewing the mediation process, and assisting with completing paperwork), as well as negotiation and mediation preparation sessions for individuals involved in all types of cases (family, civil, etc.), by helping parties identify and overcome emotional obstacles that interfere with obtaining a final mediation agreement.

The mediation process is:

  • Voluntary
  • Collaborative
  • Confidential
  • Empowering
  • Fast
  • Economical

How does mediation work?

  1. Introductory remarks - opening statement
  2. Statement of the problem by the parties
  3. Information gathering time
  4. Identification of the problems
  5. Caucus if needed
  6. Bargaining and generating options
  7. Reaching an agreement